Cultural Heritage: |
The cultural heritage of the Country consists of the cultural assets located within the borders of the Greek territory, including the territorial waters, as well as within other sea zones on which Greece has relevant jurisdiction in accordance with the international law. Cultural heritage also includes the intangible cultural assets. |
Immovable monuments: |
Immovable monuments are the monuments which have been attached to and remain on the ground or the seabed or on the bed of lakes or rivers, as well as the monuments which are found on the ground or the seabed or on the bed of lakes or rivers and cannot be removed without damage to their value as testimonies. The immovable monuments also include installations, constructions and decorative and other elements, which form an integral part of the monuments, as well as their immediate surroundings. |
Ancient monuments: |
Ancient monuments or antiquities are all cultural assets dating back to prehistoric, ancient, Byzantine and post-Byzantine times up to 1830 AD. The ancient monuments also include caves and palaeontological remains, for which there is evidence that they are linked to human existence. |
Recent monuments: |
Recent monuments are the cultural assets that are dating after 1830 and call for protection due to their historical, artistic or scientific significance. |
Archaeological sites: |
Archaeological sites are areas on land, in the sea, in lakes or in rivers that contain or there is evidence that they contain, ancient monuments, or which have constituted or there is evidence that they have constituted monumental, residential or burial groups from the ancient times up to 1830. The archaeological sites also include the necessary open space that allows the extant monuments to form a historical, aesthetic and functional unity. |
Historical sites: |
Historical sites are areas on land, in the sea, in lakes or in rivers that constitute or there is evidence that they have constituted the place of important historical or mythical events, or areas where there is evidence that they contain monuments dating after 1830, or composite works of man and nature dating after 1830, which form characteristic and homogenous sites that can be topographically demarcated and must be protected due to their folkloric, ethnological, social, technical, architectural, industrial, or in general their historical, artistic or scientific significance. |
Landscape of Special Natural Beauty: |
It is a natural environment with remarkable aesthetic value, and of which both natural and cultural resources are protected and conserved. To this end, the law imposes restrictions and prohibitions on activities, such as building control and the establishment of specific norms. |
Protection zone A: |
It is the geographical area around or near an immovable monument or a group of immovable monuments, where construction is restricted, if not prohibited, together with other activities. Any delimitation of Protection Zone A is not possible before designating the archaeological site. The boundaries of the Protection Zone A 'may be identical with those of the archaeological site or a subset. |
Protection zone Β: |
It is the area around or near a designated Zone A where apply special rules for building terms, land use, or activities. Any delimitation of Protection Zone B is not applicable before delimitating a Protection Zone A. |
Classification: |
It is the administrative act issued by the Minister and published in the Official Gazette. It produces the protection framework of any archaeological site, monument, group of monuments, or a combination of them. The classification of an individual immovable monument or a group of immovable monuments may also include the delimitation of a protection zone around it (or them). The act may refer to one or more archaeological sites. Also, more than one administrative act (designations) may exist for any monument or site. |
Designating the limits of an archaeological site: |
It is the process of determining coordinates in the official geodetic reference system of points on the ground that constitute the boundary of the archaeological site. The relevant decision of the Minister is published in the Official Gazette with a topographic diagram. In coastal areas, part of the boundary of the archeological sites may be the coastline or the seashore. |
Re-designating the limits of an archaeological site: |
It is the process of reviewing and modifying the boundaries of an archaeological site to further determine and clarify its geometric documentation with coordinates of the vertices of the boundaries in an official geodetic reference system, with the parallel inclusion and / or subtraction of geographical areas according to new findings research in the context of the application of more rational demarcation rules. |
Non-Designated Archaeological Site: |
It is an area of archaeological interest that is not designated, and delimitated, or described and has no coordinates. |
Surroundings of a monument: |
It is the space around an immovable monument or a group of immovable monuments in which the law stipulates restrictions and prohibitions on construction and activities in general. Usually, it consists of a circle defined by the distance from a reference point that is the center of the monument or the group of monuments or by one or more closed polygons with coordinates in the respective official reference system. |
Geodetic Reference System: |
The Geodetic Reference System of the Archaeological Cadastre is EGSA '87 (Hellenic Geodetic Reference System 1987). Its parameters are specified in Government Gazette 710 / Β / 29-4-2011 "Revision of technical specifications of cadastral studies for the creation of a National Land Registry". |